Corporate Plans
iConnecT / Corporate Plans
Dedicated Leased Line
ICONNECT leased line is a highly reliable, flexible which offers dedicated and guaranteed bandwidth for your network needs. ICONNECT leased line delivers a business A+ grade solution for mission critical applications and is ideally suited for converged video, voice and data applications.
ICONNECT leased line enables customers to deploy high speed network connectivity based on Ethernet technology in metropolitan areas. It delivers up to 1 Gbps of guaranteed, symmetric IP through put with 1:1 contention and 99.95% network availability.

ICONNECT leased line allows our clients to future proof their network and minimize capital expenditure.
The ability to provide internet connectivity over Ethernet Access has been available for a long time , but now with the extensive fibre capacity available , this access is becoming the most cost effective way for customers sites to achieve high speed reliable connectivity to the internet or to their private networks. This access is also the most common way of accessing the new layer ELAN and ELINE type point to point and point to multi point networks.
currently the services are available in and around the cities with reach extending to metropolitan areas and business centers and some major regional towns. Please consult with ICONNECT on availability at your location.
ICONNECT leased line is available in two types
ICONNECT Leased Line – Switched Ethernet
Standard metro areas switched Ethernet service with standard Ethernet performance and reliability characteristics. suitable for businesses requiring high speed at a cost effective price point.
ICONNECT Leased Line – Ethernet Over SDH
where reliability and link performance are critical, Ethernet over SDH (sometimes refereed to as Ethernet over SONET) is the appropriate option, providing a link with 1:1 contention and an option for fibre circuit protection, so that no single fault would result in service downtime.
- High reliability Ethernet access provides direct high speed connectivity to the internet or Private Networks.
- Speed begin at 10 Mbps and go as high as 1Gbps
- Symmetrical High speed access with 1:1 contention
- Cost Effective Ethernet access combined with a fully managed router or firewall
- Quality of service and class of service compliant
- ICONNECT Ethernet is a Highly scalable solution , allowing our customers to easily expand their networks using their existing infrastructure.
- Ethernet is easy to deploy and provides our customers with a significant reduction in capital expenditure
- ICONNECT provides proactive networks monitoring and support. Our network monitoring service ensures that your network is proactively monitored 24 hours a day,7 days a week.
- ICONNECT Leased line customers have access to our help desk, providing you the support when you need it. ICONNECT’s help desk is available 24*7 and operated by qualified engineers.
- ICONNECT Leased Line customers have access to the secure ICONNECT web portal that provides real time information on network status , health and utilization
- Access to scalable bandwidth is provided so that customers can run bandwidth hungry corporate applications such as enterprise resource planning (ERP) , customer relationship management (CRM), Disaster Recovery , Application and data mirroring, Video conferencing and VoIP
- ICONNECT supports the use of Quality of service technologies which provide low packet delay necessary for effective deployment of voice and video applications
ICONNECT leased line pricing is speed and geography dependent , Please call on
+91 83 47 00 9434 / +91 76 98 07 9434 .
Service deployment is typically based on a minimum 40 day lead time as fibre installation to your premises and network bandwidth planning require time to design and implement. Expected lead time will be defined once initial design and feasibility are completed.
Free Consultation
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